As we continue Financial Literacy Month, remember these ways to achieve your goals:

Change your mindset about money. Know where your emergency fund is kept and do not dip into the account to change your relationship with our money. Share with your household, talk to your loved ones and spouse, and other people in your tribe. You are ready to move forward. Don’t stop or procrastinate, once you’ve learned how to manage your money. You’re not accountable to anyone but only to yourself. I encourage you to be true and honest to others around you about your progress. Stay connected at the Money Boss Wealth Club Facebook Group.

Electronic piggybank. This is great for people who do not carry cash. After every transaction that you make online or with your debit card, transfer your change to your savings account just like you spend cash. Chances are if you spent, for example, $11.59, in your mind- you’ve just spent $12. Take that remaining $0.41 and moving it into your savings. Continue this trend and see how much you can save!

If you want to go deeper and hear about some suggested reading, don’t wait-  join the $100k Savings Club today!

Join the Money Boss Wealth Club!